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    Camera Flip/Flop command:

    Use the adminsh command to enter the admin setup shell.


    Next thing to do is to type the following commands:

        rbsh> Camera setVerticalFlipEnabled hdmi0,1


         "_rv": 0


         rbsh> Camera setHorizontalFlipEnabled hdmi0,1


         "_rv": 0


    Once you finished you can exit by tiping “exit”: rbsh> exit


    Camera Flip/Flop undo command:

        rbsh> Camera setVerticalFlipEnabled hdmi0,0


         "_rv": 0


         rbsh> Camera setHorizontalFlipEnabled hdmi0,0


         "_rv": 0


    As Icon 600 can handle two LifeSIze 10x cameras, if you have the camera connected to the DVI input the command has to be: rbsh> Camera setVerticalFlipEnabled dvi0,1




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  • Kaynak: Lifesize Development Team

    Lifesize UVC'de sanal odaya şifre ile bağlanılmaya çalışıldığında operatörün ses kaydının gelmemesi ve şifrenin girilmesine rağmen istenen sanal odaya giriş yapılamayıp sanal operatörde kalınma sorunu yaşanıyorsa Lifesize Development Team önerisine göre UVC'nin ayda 1 kez Lİfesize ICON 600 ve benzeri cihazların haftada 1 kez restart edilerek sorun çözülmektedir.


  • Kaynak: www.lifesize.com

    Follow these steps to capture a network trace:

    1. In a browser, enter the IP address of the system followed by /support as in the following


    2. When prompted, enter the username and password. The default values are:

    Username: cli

    Password: lifesize

    Note: If you are using software release v4.5 on a LifeSize Room series, LifeSize Team series, or LifeSize Express series system, changing the password for the command line interface user auto with the set password command and then rebooting the system also changes this password. For more information about changing the command line interface password refer to the LifeSize Automation Command Line Interface manual for the software release installed on your LifeSize system.

    Capturing a Network Trace

    A new trace file is created when the previous trace file size reaches 1Mb. You can download either the current trace or the previous trace, if available. Basic network tracing is the default for Network Trace and captures only call signaling and some gatekeeper/SIP registration information. The Advanced network tracing setting captures much more information (all TCP and UDP traffic) and consumes much more memory. Generally, do not use Advanced network tracing unless LifeSize Technical Services requests it, and change back to Basic network tracing when you have captured the advanced trace.

    3. To save a trace, right-click Download Current Trace or Download Previous Trace and select the appropriate save as option for your browser.

    4. Give the file a meaningful name and save the file.

    5. Email the trace files to LifeSize Technical Services.


    Disabling the Network Trace Capability

    To disable network trace capability, follow these steps:

    1. In the Actions section of the Diagnostic Access page, select Tracing disabled from Network Trace. The page will refresh.

    2. In the Current Status section, verify the value for Network Trace is DISABLED.



  • Lifesize Passport'da sunum yapabilmeniz için Lifesize Virtual Link programını kullanmanız gerekmektedir.

    Bu programı çalıştırabilmek için Adobe Air 2.0 programının bilgisayarınızda yüklü olması gerekmektedir.

    Adobe 2.0'ın üst versiyonlarında Lifesize Virtual Link çalışmamaktadır.

    Lifesize Virtual Link Programı > İndir

    Lifesize Virtual Link Installation Guide > İndir

    Adobe Air 2.0 > İndir